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2022 Task Forces

We are making moves in the world of Workforce Development!
The following Task Force Initiatives serve vital roles in the overall success of the Nashville Workforce Network. 

This group will be working to solidify policies and processes in which the NWN will operate. Initially, this will include membership registration, funding and grant writing, and metric review.


The marketing and communications provided by NWN are vital; this task force will lead these efforts. They will also work to increase the membership’s awareness of other member organizations and services. Increase social media and the NWN’s online presence will also be revitalized.


NWN is dedicated to providing relevant resources, information, events, and opportunities to its members. This task force will be continually looking to create ways to provide these quality services and supports.


This task force will focus on developing connections with area employers, increasing awareness and engagement as well as supports specifically for employers hiring vulnerable populations.

Are you interested in supporting one of the above Task Forces? 

If so, please email with a summary of your experience and interest.

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